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- Öreälven with selected tributaries

About Öreälven

A natural flow dynamic with large and regular seasonal variations in the flow characterizes the river. It maintains natural physical processes such as erosion, transport and sedimentation of material, which means that the depth, structure and substrate as well as current speed of the river channel are varied. The transport of fine material is distinctive and can be high, especially during strong flows, in the fine-sediment-rich area downstream of the highest shoreline. Receding high tides therefore deposit significant amounts of sand and finer material on the beaches, which are thus revitalized.


​C1 Restoration of watercourses
C2 Construction of spawning grounds
C3 Wetland restoration
C4 Restore habitat for scapania species

C5 ​Remediate 63 Obstructive Road Drums
C6 Remove 22 obstructing dams
C7 Reinforce freshwater pearl mussel populations
C8 Develop a management plan together with the Öreälven FVO

Action map

Click around the map below to see Ecostream's measures in Västerbotten County. You can also switch different layers on and off in the layer list on the right.

Conservation plan

Right now in Västerbotten

Road culverts

During the year, 9 road culverts are planned to be remediated.

Demonstration areas

Content for signage is being developed. The trail will be established in the Lagnäset nature reserve, on the north side of the river.

River restoration

Planning for the 2025 season is underway with the hope of having 4-5 excavators operating in the Öre River and tributaries.


This year, the two dams that remain to be repaired in Västerbotten will be repaired, if permits are obtained during the spring.

Just nu i Västerbotten
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