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Ammerån, Rörströmsälven and Åreälven with tributaries


The Ammerån water system is the Indalsälven's second largest source and originates in the Hotagsfjällen. The river's character alternates between stretches of rapids characterized by wilderness and open silt areas with cultivation and buildings. The longest rapid section is Borgforsen. The highest coastline here is 234 meters above sea level. Thanks to the calcareous rocks in the area, Ammerån's water has a high pH and great buffering capacity. This has given rise to a very rich plant and animal life both in the watercourse itself and in the surroundings.

Measures in Ammerån

C1 Restoration of watercourses
C2 Construction of spawning grounds
C3 Wetland restoration
C4 Restore habitat for scapania species

C5 ​Remediate Obstructing Road culverts
C7 Reinforcement of the freshwater pearl mussel population

C8 Develop a management plan with Solberg-Vikens-, Nedre Ammeråns- och Övre Ammeråns FVO

Conservation plan

Bevarandeplan Ammerån.png


The river alternates in rapids, currents and seals. The current sections are mainly concentrated in the section downstream of Sundsjön and in the lower part of the river via the Hocksjöforsarna. Nutrient-rich water that floods the banks in the spring and a splash zone make the river bank favorable for vegetation. By the rapids there are, among other things, gravel beaches with their special vegetation of King Karl's sceptre, cat's foot, sedge, etc. and blocky beaches with martens and marsh violets. The fish stock in the streams is dominated by trout and grayling. The basis for the Rörströmsälven's great value today is that it has been exempted from hydropower development.

Measures in

C1 Restoration of watercourses
C2 Construction of spawning grounds
C3 Wetland restoration
C4 Restore habitat for scapania species

C5 ​Remediate Obstructing Road culverts
C7 Reinforcement of the freshwater pearl mussel population

C8 Develop a management plan Rörströmsälvens FVO

Conservation plan

Bevarandeplan Rörströms.png


The Åre River with its tributaries comprises the part of the Indalsälven water system that stretches from the springs in the mountains at the Norwegian border to the cultural settlements in the river valley and down to the lake Little by Järpen. High natural values in and adjacent to lakes and watercourses are often linked to naturalness in the flow regime and naturalness in the surroundings. In the Åreälven's water system, which is largely exempt from water regulation and power plants, there is a natural flow dynamic typical of mountain-born watercourses. Low water flow during the winter, large spring flood in connection with the snowmelt, first in the forest region, then in the mountains.

Measures in Åreälven

C1 Restoration of watercourses
C2 Construction of spawning grounds
C3 Wetland restoration
C4 Restore habitat for scapania species

C5 ​Remediate Obstructing Road culverts
C6 Remove obstructing dams
C7 Reinforcement of the freshwater pearl mussel population

C8 Develop a management plan Åre FMU

Conservation plan

Bevarandeplan Åre.png

Right nowin Jämtland: Ammerån, Rörströmsälven and Åreälven

The drum change

The application for the drum replacement has been sent to the decision-making County Administrative Board regarding water operations. During 2023, it is planned to replace 16 drums around the Åreälven project area.


In 2023, it is planned to restore tributaries to the Rörströmsälven. The application to restore Ammerån has been sent to the Land and Environment Court for a decision.

Demonstration areas

The working group for demonstration areas has started to come up with ideas for what the areas should contain. A special theme will be assigned to each county and area. Jämtland has a focus on cultural environments (Whisperternorrland on river pearl mussel and Västerbotten on salmon).

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